August 2017
Neighbours speaking Italian on their front porch.
Flight AC620 departing Toronto for Halifax.
Students hanging out in the Victorian Lounge, Shirreff Hall, Dalhousie University.
Fisherman's Cove, Eastern Passage, Nova Scotia.
The North Atlantic Ocean rolling up onto Lawrencetown Beach.
Water of the Northwest Arm, Halifax.
Flight AC625 departing Halifax for Toronto.
Soccer practice at the park.
Morning commuter traffic on Keele St.
Traveling from Union Station to St.Clair West by subway.
Taking the particularly busy subway at 11:30pm.
Neighbours continue to chat in Italian after our conversation about how I need to start coming over for coffee and biscotti and how mom can fall down so easily but she won't stop moving or cleaning even with her walker.
Morning train passing by Osler St.
Very long train crossing at Osler heading west.
Walking to work on a pretty quiet morning.
Always lots of typing happening at Mason Studio.
Train grinding along the tracks at Osler St.
Caught by the evening train crossing at Osler.
Mason Studio on Hook Ave.
Ice cream truck late on night on St.Clair pulling over for business.
The early evening train passing parallel to Vine St. behind the Public Storage building. A strange man walking behind me motions for me to follow him into the storage facility.
Walking along St,Clair after swimming at the pool.