There Are Other Things We Can Talk About, 2017

There Are Other Things We Can Talk About, 2017

This performance was part of Hundred Dollar Gallery's Festival of Performance Art in Hamilton, Ontario. For this performance, I travelled from my house, in the west end of Toronto, by streetcar then subway to Union Station in order to catch a GO bus. I did all of this with a week's worth of laundry in hand. Once I arrived  at the downtown Hamilton bus terminal, I walked to the laundromat on James St. North near Barton St. I washed my laundry then took my damp clothes to Gore Park where I hung them to dry. Despite the sun and the comfortable breeze my clothes took a long time to dry. When they were, I folded them, placing them back into the basket and returned home. The entire journey took nearly 9 hours.

I Can't Do This on My Own, 2017

I Can't Do This on My Own, 2017

I Can't Do This on My Own is the act of dismantling, moving a few feet from its original place, and rebuilding a low-rise brick structure. This motion seesaws until absolute exhaustion. 

Impossible Conversations, 2015

Impossible Conversations, 2015

Impossible Conversations stems from the need to have a conversation with someone, but being scared the words won’t come out right, or they’ll misinterpret your intent and they won’t hear you the way you want to be heard.

This performance consists of multiple conversations between various characters, who discuss common and repetitive themes about love, suffering, fear, courage and happiness. 




I Can't Eat Anymore, 2013

I Can’t Eat Anymore is a performance by Mr.Vuthy and Phally. As explained, each of them eats bananas until they cannot eat anymore. Once full, they’re instructed to continue to eat. They do so with discomfort.


Carrie Perreault and Alicia Kuntze invited friends and strangers to have their hand held. One of the artists was present at YYZ Artists’ Outlet during gallery hours to offer hand holding to people in the intimate front window space.  Sessions ran from November 22 - December 4.  Lengths of appointments varied and were based on individual needs - 15 minutes to 3 hours. 

This was exactly as it sounds.

Because Everyone Needs Their Hand Held Sometimes, 2014

Because Everyone Needs Their Hand Held Sometimes, 2014


Shifting Currents, 2014

A two-day performance moving rocks from one side of an empty typhoon riverbed to the other.