
Für Elise, Revisited

New work from my solo exhibition little tremors has been uploaded to the website.

This work includes "Für Elise, Revisited" which is a duet/ collaboration with the garbage trucks of Taiwan. The garbage trucks in Taipei play one of Beethoven's most familiar pieces to signal to people to bring down their garbage for nightly collection. I haven't played this song since I was 10 years old; during the past few months I've been relearning how to read sheet music and play the piano.

Spring Open Studio

Just an updated image from the Spring Open Studio that happened March 22 & 23 at the Taipei Artist Village.

Moving on is always something I struggle with and in that reflection I wrapped everything I own and everything in my studio in plastic wrap in hopes to perserve the present moment for a time when I can return and resume life as though nothing has changed.

Little Tremors

Solo exhibition titled 'little tremors' opens 15 March and runs until the end of the month.

Included in this exhibit are six new projects that have been conceived and realized during my time in Taiwan.

Address: No.11 & 13. Lane 59, Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei. MRT: Gongguan


Open Studio at Taipei Artist Village

Spring Open Studio! Weekend of March 22 & 23.

Events include artists open studios, artist talk, some sort of market and a promise of music. There's also a little drawing of a full pint on the invite, which looks equally promising.

For this Open Studio I'll be making a site specific project, which is reflective of my waning time here.

I'm in Studio 202, so if you're in the area be sure to stop by!


This work is included in the With my < >, trade your < > . This is an on-going project and along the exhibition concept it is a gift for the artist RoHsuan Chen. The text that accompanies it reads:

For RoHsuan,


Tears made everything that had so far seemed unreal, real.


Prototype I


RoHsuan's website can be found here:

Artist Talk at Taipei Artist Village

Artist talk at Taipei Artist Village - 18 January 2014.
Address and other details can be found on their website.

想和駐村藝術家們近距離對談卻苦無機會嗎?本週六(1/18)14:00-17:00將在台北國際藝術村幽竹廳舉辦「阿提斯‧托克第一號」(AIR Taipei Artist Talk No.1),歡迎有興趣的朋友們前來和藝術家們面對面!


  • 時間:2014年1月18日(星期六) 14:00-17:00

  • 地點:台北國際藝術村幽竹廳 (臺北市中正區北平東路7號,捷運善導寺站一號出口)

  • 參與藝術家:Carrie Perreault (加拿大) / Kevin Gaffney (愛爾蘭) / 邱俊達(臺灣) / 林經堯 (臺灣) / YLWT吳亞林(法國) / 沈聖博(臺灣)

主辦單位:財團法人台北市文化基金會藝術村營運部 Artist-in-Residence Taipei 合辦單位:新樂園藝術空間 SLY ART SPACE